Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2021, 10 (29): 25-29
UDC [332+711.4] (512.12)
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689.2021.10(29).3
JEL CLASSIFICATION: O 2, O 53, Q 55, Q 57, R 0, R 58
Menglin Xu
Candidate of Philological Sciences,
Institute of Foreign Languages of Huzhou University, Huzhou (China)

Abstract: Taking solving urban problems and serving urban development as the starting point, smart city comprehensively uses information technology means such as big data, network communication, artificial intelligence and satellite remote sensing to solve population, resource and environmental problems in combination with scientific management methods. It is a new intelligent city model proposed to promote urban health, safety and sustainable development. Through the background of smart city, focusing on the core issues such as what is a smart city, what kind of smart city to build and how to build a smart city, and based on the analysis and investigation of the development status of the smart city in Huzhou, this paper analyzes and expounds the problems existing in the construction of the smart city in Huzhou, This paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of the new smart city in Huzhou City. It gives information on further development within the proper implementation of the smart city concept. Firstly, this concept needs a wide range of specialists in the field of management, informatics, geography, architecture, regional economy, who should work in close cooperation synergistically. Secondly, it is substantial to applicate new technologies, for instance, they can be cloud computing, big data, GIS, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, etc. The current state of construction of a smart city is emphasized in unsatisfactory condition, hence, the development of the smart city in Huzhou needs all of the above factors. In the light of all evidence, to further develop a smart city, a set of measures is recommended, including clarifying development goals and providing scientific assistance to construction, providing smart planning, strengthening leadership and introduction of new technologies, establishing communications to explain the concept of building a smart city. Such a city will have convenient public services, improved city management, a proper living environment, well-developed intellectual infrastructure and long-term network security.
Key words: China, Zhejiang, Huzhou, new smart city, urban construction.
Language version: Cn

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Article publication date: 2021
Date of online version: 2021